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"Polina’s talents have developed into a knockout punch Canada has yet to see in decades, gaining over 1 million likes and shares on her social media pages to date."

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[About Down]: "...the lyrics wiggle their way into your brain and make camp, meaning you will be singing this track for quite some time after you hear it, and to me, that’s what makes a great single."

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"Grace thinks of her music as a hybrid of different genres that are influenced by the music she grew up on, ranging from rock and alternative, to soul and R&B."

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The McGill Tribune

"Boasting a beautiful voice and a commanding stage presence, she has proven herself to be one of the more impressive up-and-coming artists in Montreal."

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FYI Music News

"A potent presence on social media, Montreal-based model Polina Grace is now focusing her attention upon music. [...] An advance single, "High Enough," is now out. One to watch."

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Music For Your Heart

"Sans être péjoratif bien sûr, on peut dire que c'est une femme à tout faire. Elle écrit, elle compose, elle parle 4 langues, a un Bac en commerce et un diplôme de psycho, et un total contrôle de sa carrière"

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